Attractive Danube
Improving Capacities to Enhance Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region
Financing Programme: INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020
Implementation Period: 1.01.2017 – 30.06.2019 (30 months)
Total Budget: EUR 1 860 000
Project Description: The main project objective is to strengthen multilevel and transnational governance and institutional capacities of policy planners involved in the territorial development of the Danube Region, which will result in a more harmonised governance system of the area. This will be achieved by first establishing a permanent common transnational platform for monitoring territorial attractiveness (CO-TAMP), 11 national platforms (TAMP), and a Territorial attractiveness atlas.
Countries Included: 12 organizations from 11 countries – Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia
Role of. BEF: Partner organisation